Hi SGSL 3A and 4A families,
It looks like we’re going to luck out with a stretch of good weather, so we’re planning on holding our player evaluations this Saturday at Ortega Park. The times for each division are as mentioned before;
Here’s what you need to know and do for the evaluation. Arrival Time, Registration, and Warmups Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your division’s scheduled start time. Your first stop should be at the Snack Shack, to pick up your evaluation number and to confirm your registration details. We have a number of volunteers lined up to help with registration, but if everyone arrives 5 minutes before the start time, we’ll never get everyone processed. So, we suggest that you get there early, and use extra time before the evaluation to warm up. We’ll have balls and coaches there to help with warming up. Jersey Sizing There is one other important piece of information we need to get from you during the evaluation – your player’s jersey size. Each girl will be directed back to the Snack Shack during one point in the evaluations to try on jerseys to make sure we order the right size. Since sometimes players get lost or distracted between stations, please check with your player at the end to make sure she got her jersey sized. If she didn’t, stop by the Snack Shack and we’ll figure it out. Pitcher Evaluations Everyone who wants to pitch during the season should go through the Pitcher evaluation, which will be at the end of the evaluation schedule. Once we’ve finished hitting, we’ll start the pitchers warming up. Since we don’t have enough coaches to warm everyone up in a timely manner, we ask the parents to catch their daughters’ warmups. So, please bring a mitt (or a sibling who wants to catch) to the evaluations. Conflicts and Makeup Evaluation Finally, I’ve heard from a number of people who have conflicts on Saturday. If you haven’t yet told me about a conflict, please drop me an e-mail (PlayerAgent@sunnyvalegirlssoftball.org) to let me know. Every player needs to be evaluated, so we’ll hold a makeup session – probably on Monday – for those who let me know they can’t make it Saturday.
Thanks again for your patience with the weather, and please let me know if you have any questions. Go SGSL! Jeff Perry |