Field Preparation

One of the key volunteer assignments for every team is field preparation, or field prep for short. It is always the responsibility of Home team to prepare the field before the game, and there is an expectation that every family will take turns doing this for the team. If parents do not perform field prep, it falls on the coaches who must then do this instead of preparing their teams for the game.

The following guides (large and small print) explain how to prepare the field

It will take a crew of 2 volunteers about 45 minutes to complete the entire process. Please arrive at least that early and be ready to move quickly as often there is only 45 minutes between scheduled games.

The recommended following 15 minute long instructional video will also teach you how to perform this important task like a pro.

One correction – when using the metal batters box template, mark on the OUTSIDE, not the inside of the template.

Note that after each practice and game, you also required to drag or rake the field to even out the infield playing surface.

Home Plate and First Base Detailed Diagrams

NOTE: The base of the rake is 3 feet wide and can be used to measure the width of each batters box and other distances.

Water Valve Locations

Ortega Park

Las Palmas Park

Stocklmeir Elementary

Sunnyvale Middle School (SMS)

Columbia Middle School