SGSL Joins LGCS and Campbell Girls Fastpitch for 2016 AAAAA/14U Division


SGSL is excited to announce changes to our AAAAA/14U Division for the upcoming spring 2016 season and beyond.  In partnership with local leagues Los Gatos-Saratoga-Cupertino Girls Fastpitch and Campbell Girls Fastpitch we will be creating a larger combined 14U Division for both the regular season as well as summer all-star tournament teams.  With all three leagues facing questions of viability and participation at the 14U division in recent years, which puts the ability to form both regular season teams as well as summer all-star teams in question, our three leagues feel that by combining all the players into one 14U league we can improve the level of play and better ensure opportunities for a larger number of players to get both a quality rec-league experience, as well as a better likelihood of being selected to a summer all-star tournament team for their respective level of play.  The partnership would provide two immediate opportunities that SGSL on its own currently does not and given our numbers, most seasons could not provide its players.  First is the creation and pathway to an A-Ball team for those who are interested without having to leave the structure and familiarity of the league.  The leagues will likely form an A-Ball team shortly after the start of the Calendar year for the 14U group.  Second is the opportunity for summer teams at divisions older than 14U for the high-school aged player.  Due to a lack of numbers and infrastructure we have never been able to offer this level of play.  This partnership will provide SGSL players with these opportunities both in the 14U division and older teams during the summer in subsequent years.  Like all new things, this will not be free of challenges, but ultimately the goal of providing more, high quality opportunities for SGSL players to enjoy softball at a competitive level has a much higher level of being achieved through this collaborative effort.

If you have questions feel free to email them to [email protected]